Capt. Chris Wolfer
Killed in the Line of Duty
April 9, 1927
Fire Company |
Salvage Corps
Cause of Death |
Poison Gas Fumes
At Fire Box Number |
Incident Type |
Incident Location |
308 E. Third Street
Capt Wolfer was credited with saving the lives of as many as ten firemen at the expense of his own. Wolfer was killed by fumes and yellow smoke from an unknown substance that was burning on a laboratory bench at the Valanay Products Company.
Wolfer and Marshal Louis Schraffenberger entered the smoke filled laboratory to locate the fire and open the windows to ventilate. The Marshal retreated because of the smoke and Wolfer pushed forward to open the windows. He was successful, and the smoke had cleared out for the most part by the time other firefighters reached the room and extinguished the small fire.
Wolfer returned to quarters where he reported that his lungs felt that they were on fire. He lay down for a few moments, then rose to go to the washroom and collapsed. The Life Saving Squad worked on Wolfer for over an hour but were unable to revive him. The Marshal was treated by the Fire Department physician and an investigation was begun. The chemical was not identified.
Wolfer was 52 and lived on Orchard View Place in Price Hill.